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LFA Rush

The LFA Difference


At our core, LFA Rush believes in a Player First environment. Coaches nurture individual mental, physical, and emotional growth as well as team connection, creativity, and friendship. The foundation of a team is the individual, and LFA ensures that each player feels welcome, understood, and heard. This creates the platform for a healthy and fun team environment where players can learn, grow, and communicate together. We not only train soccer players, but guide individuals to engage with their community in a healthy and productive way.

LFA teaches a creative style of possession. While there are many different definitions and understandings of possession within soccer, LFA’s possession style is focused on composure, creativity, and awareness. We enjoy maneuvering the opponent with our passing awareness, player movement, and redirection. We play to outsmart, not outrun.

PLAYER FIRST - Our Players Are The Most Valuable

LFA Rush believes individual player improvement comes first, before team and club success. Elitism does not build elite teams, it erodes them. Teaching soccer is a long-term investment with customized care of every player in mind. Children mature physically and emotionally at different and unpredictable times. Dismissing a smaller or less-mature player at age 10 can close the door on a future star.

The unique character of our programs support the core idea of Player First. LFA Rush distributes its quality of coaching evenly throughout all levels and ages without favoring elite players and teams.
Beginners and intermediates deserve as many quality resources as do the most advanced. How else can we expect our players to thrive?

CULTURE - Friendship through Sports

LFA Rush is a collection of like-minded families excited about bringing barriers down between levels, genders, ages and teams and learning soccer together. Ambition and potential play out best in a cohesive atmosphere where we play best when we play for each other.

Our one and only central location physically brings our community together in a way that is flexible and unique to Colorado soccer. An interactive mentality at LFA Rush generates many new friends and heightens the social side of soccer. Enjoy Free Play (pick up soccer) with mixed ages and genders; improve your technical skills among an array of other LFA Rush players in PGP sessions; have a picnic or BBQ at an LFA Weekend event.

MULTI-SPORT ATHLETES - For Balance and Enjoyment 

Specializing in a sport too early hinders physical and psychological development. Statistically, most Olympic athletes and NCAA Division 1 athletes were multi-sport players. Involvement in multiple sports reduces overuse injuries while increasing balanced bio-mechanical development. Unfortunately, the trend today continues toward soccer-only development and distances our kids from a broader athletic experience.

LFA Rush applauds rather than punishes our players for being multiple sport athletes. Our free off-season winter and summer programs, as well as allowable cross-training between genders, offer the flexibility to work around other sports commitments. We don't prohibit multi-sport participation, we foster it.



Phone: 952-564-7891
Email: [email protected]


Reach us via phone or email, Monday through Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm
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